W&Sin https://www.wsbusinessinc.com/ Creating an effective marketing strategy: tips and recommendations Thu, 23 Nov 2023 08:57:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1 https://www.wsbusinessinc.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/cropped-WSin-32x32.jpg W&Sin https://www.wsbusinessinc.com/ 32 32 Developing a Powerful Email Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses: 7 Essential Steps https://www.wsbusinessinc.com/developing-a-powerful-email-marketing-strategy-for-small-businesses-7-essential-steps/ Tue, 21 Nov 2023 17:59:37 +0000 https://www.wsbusinessinc.com/?p=228 This article outlines vital steps that every small business owner should adhere to while formulating and executing an email marketing campaign. Like any structured event, an email marketing campaign can be divided into three key phases: planning, implementation, and assessment of results. In the following sections, we delve deeper into each stage. You’ll understand the …

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This article outlines vital steps that every small business owner should adhere to while formulating and executing an email marketing campaign. Like any structured event, an email marketing campaign can be divided into three key phases: planning, implementation, and assessment of results.

In the following sections, we delve deeper into each stage. You’ll understand the significance of establishing your objectives from the outset, how to build a list of potential subscribers, the type of content that is more likely to generate leads, which key performance indicators are essential when evaluating the success of your efforts, and other key elements.

Despite the overwhelming popularity of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter in recent years, email marketing continues to be an effective way to engage with your target audience. As predicted by Statista, the total number of email users worldwide will astonishingly reach 4.730 billion by 2026.

Small businesses can accomplish various objectives through email marketing campaigns. They can use emails to promote their products or services, increase brand awareness among potential customers, persuade them to subscribe to newsletters or visit their blog, download their most recent ebook, and so on. In essence, the primary purpose of email marketing is to provoke a reaction from the target audience.

However, merely crafting a message and randomly distributing it to several email addresses won’t yield significant results. It’s akin to a door-to-door salesman knocking on every house in the neighborhood, hoping for a positive response. Most often, the results are not worth the time and effort invested.

The appropriate strategy involves developing a robust email marketing plan. With the rapid increase in marketing emails each year, small businesses must make additional efforts to distinguish themselves. They must endeavor to compose compelling emails that immediately grab the recipient’s attention, prompting them to open the message, read its contents, and ultimately click on the call-to-action button. This challenging task necessitates substantial preparation.

Don’t worry, though. Below, you’ll find some key guidelines common to all successful email marketing strategies. Adhere to these, and hopefully, your key performance indicators, such as delivery and open rates, will begin to improve.

The Ultimate Secret of Successful Email Marketing Strategies Unveiled: Plan, Execute, Evaluate

Laying the Groundwork for Your Outstanding Email Marketing Campaign 

#1: Determine Your Ultimate Goal

Before embarking on any venture, it’s crucial to consider the end goal. This is true for a builder who visualizes the finished house before placing the first brick, and it’s equally applicable to an email marketing campaign. The success of your email marketing strategy hinges on having a clear understanding of the expected outcome.

Every action you take, including the design and content of your emails will be guided by this overall objective. Your campaigns can aim to achieve multiple goals such as:

  • Increasing website traffic
  • Boosting product sales
  • Creating brand awareness
  • Retaining existing audience

Without a clearly defined target, your campaigns may lack direction, much like a ship lost at sea. However, merely stating your desired goal isn’t sufficient. A good goal should meet several key criteria.

  • It should have a specific timeline for execution. Although start and end dates can be flexible, you need to mark out a timeframe on your marketing calendar.
  • It should be realistic. Don’t set overly ambitious digital marketing goals. For instance, aiming to gain 500 subscribers in a week might be unattainable for a small business. Start by researching your industry to understand average performance metrics.
  • It should be specific. For example, aiming to increase the click-through rate for your emails by 15% in a month is more precise than just wanting to improve the click-through rate. 
  • It should prompt proactive steps towards achievement. If your goal is to retain customers through engaging content, consider incorporating animations or videos in your emails. 

By knowing exactly what you want to achieve, when you want to achieve it, and how to go about it, you can maintain better control over your campaigns.

#2: Create a Recipient List and Categorize Addresses Into Relevant Groups

Successful email marketing strategies also rely on having a list of verified subscribers who have chosen to receive emails. Sending emails indiscriminately is unlikely to yield positive results.

So, how can you create and grow your subscriber list? Here are a few popular methods:

  • Include a subscription form on your website pages without disrupting user experience. Ensure there’s an “opt in” checkbox to comply with legal requirements.
  • Use physical forms at events such as conferences or fairs.
  • Organize a contest. For example, if you sell smartphones, quiz your audience about specific features of a brand and offer a reward.
  • Conduct a survey. Ask subscribers or potential customers to provide feedback on your products in exchange for a promo code. Their responses can help refine your future email marketing campaigns. Remember, never buy pre-made subscriber lists. The authenticity of the addresses is uncertain and compromised addresses could lead to your emails being marked as spam.

However, having a subscriber list is just the beginning. You need to further categorize these addresses into various groups to make your emails more relevant to your target audience. You can segment your list based on factors like education, age, gender, location, and buying habits. For instance, if a customer consistently purchases a particular item, you can recommend similar products in your emails, potentially increasing your click-through and open rates.

#3: Opt for a Robust Email Marketing Automation Tool 

The reality is this: managing subscriber lists, segmenting your customers and prospects into targeted groups, and monitoring the success of your email marketing campaigns necessitate the use of specialized software. Attempting to perform these tasks manually is time-consuming and prone to errors.

Thus, successful email marketing strategies involve selecting a robust and efficient automation tool. For optimal results, such applications should possess several key features. These include seamless third-party integrations, refined A/B testing, comprehensive analytics and reporting capabilities, versatile autoresponders, and a user-friendly content editor, among others. 

Building the Perfect Email 

Now that you’ve prepared for your email marketing campaign, it’s time to delve into the finer details. Every aspect of your email is crucial for achieving your primary objective. Here are some key points to consider.

#4: Lure Your Subscribers With an Attractive Subject Line

Various email marketing strategies exist. Regardless of the one you select, one vital rule remains for crafting effective emails: create an enticing subject line.

Why is it so important? A typical customer’s inbox is flooded with emails from various businesses competing for their attention. If you can’t lure the recipient to open your email instantly, you’ve lost the battle.

Here are some best practices for crafting compelling email subject lines:

  • Keep the subject line as concise as possible. 
  • The subject line should highlight the value of your offer before anything else. For instance, mention a discount or free consultation. Inform your subscribers about what they stand to gain from your company rather than focusing on your product’s features. 
  • Prompt the recipient to act promptly. You could use phrases like “before the price increases” or similar. 
  • Personalize your subject line. Email marketing automation tools enable you to dynamically insert recipients’ names into subject lines, making emails more personal. 

Remember that dull, uninteresting subject lines are a primary reason recipients ignore marketing emails.

#5: Develop Unique and Captivating Content

A subscriber has opened your email. Kudos on crafting an excellent subject line! Now your challenge is to maintain their attention until the end of your message, where the most crucial content element is likely located – a call to action.

How can you achieve this? Here are some essential tips:

  • Ensure your title is as captivating as your subject line. The title’s purpose is to engage the recipient and encourage them to continue reading. The title should reflect the subject line, repeating the value the subscriber can gain from your offer using different words and phrases. 
  • Keep your content easy to understand: 
    • Start with the main point and then add supporting details. 
    • Keep your sentences, paragraphs, and overall text as brief as possible
    • Avoid repeating words and phrases from previous campaigns.
    • Break up the text into numbered or bulleted lists where appropriate to make it easier for subscribers to comprehend. 
    • Include appropriate headings for your paragraphs, adhering to the correct hierarchy (from H2 to H6). 
  • Reference external materials that your target audience may find helpful.
  • Place a single call-to-action at the bottom of your email. This is usually a button. Make it stand out within the body of the message (use a different color, border, specific font, etc.). 
  • Refrain from using too many images.
  • Avoid industry jargon and complex vocabulary. Use simple language that everyone can understand. 
IMPORTANT!Include an unsubscribe link in your email footer. Your target audience should have an easy way to opt out of your newsletters if they choose to. This is also a legal requirement in many jurisdictions.

#6: Ensure Your Email Displays Perfectly Everywhere

Every triumphant email marketing strategy emphasizes one crucial aspect: exceptional presentation of emails, regardless of the device used by the recipient to view them.

Initially, you must ensure your email complies with the standards of the respective marketing automation platform, like SendGrid. But that’s just the start. It’s also imperative that your message is accurately displayed across various email clients and devices. Be it PCs, Macs, laptops, smartphones, or tablets, your subscribers should receive a perfectly rendered message.

You could opt to test your emails by sending them to colleagues or friends and request their feedback. However, this process can be laborious and time-consuming. The variety and number of mobile devices and email clients your testers use may not be sufficient to give you peace of mind.

A more efficient solution would be to engage a professional email template development company that offers a wide range of services. These services include PSD to HTML email template conversion, integration of email templates into various ESPs like MailChimp or Sendgrid, and testing email templates across different browsers, devices, and email clients, to name just a few. This approach ensures that your message will be displayed consistently to all recipients.

Assessing the Outcomes 

#7: Regularly Track the Key Performance Indicators During Your Campaigns

Even if you have crafted a perfect email by following the guidelines above precisely, without the relevant analytical data, you’ll be in the dark, uncertain if your set goals have been met.

Fortunately, most (if not all) email marketing solutions offer analytical and reporting features enabling marketers to track the key performance indicators of their campaigns. These include:

  • Delivery rate 
  • Open rate 
  • Click-through-to-open rate 
  • Unsubscribes rate 

The exact figures differ across industries, so ascertain the average for your industry. Then, modify your emails based on this data. For example, low open rates typically indicate that your subscribers find your subject lines dull. Make them more appealing and value-driven.


Email marketing remains a potent tool for nurturing prospects and maintaining existing customers. As the population of email users worldwide is predicted to rise in the future, this digital marketing medium presents a promising outlook for small businesses.

Various email marketing tactics exist, each with their unique characteristics and recommended practices. However, they all adhere to some shared fundamentals. Specifically, every email marketing campaign can be split into three primary phases: planning, executing the campaign, and assessing the data.

In this article, we have discussed each of these stages. While this information only represents a small fraction of the expansive world of email marketing, we hope it sets you on the right course towards achieving your marketing objectives. We wish you good luck on this journey!

The post Developing a Powerful Email Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses: 7 Essential Steps appeared first on W&Sin.

Optimal Timing for Sending Marketing Emails: Expert Advice https://www.wsbusinessinc.com/optimal-timing-for-sending-marketing-emails-expert-advice/ Thu, 16 Nov 2023 11:55:26 +0000 https://www.wsbusinessinc.com/?p=221 The world has undergone remarkable technological advancements in recent years. From mobile devices to social media, marketers now can reach a vast number of consumers with just a few clicks. Yet, quantity doesn’t always equate to quality. While platforms like Facebook excel at engaging target audiences, they pale in comparison to the power of email …

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The world has undergone remarkable technological advancements in recent years. From mobile devices to social media, marketers now can reach a vast number of consumers with just a few clicks.

Yet, quantity doesn’t always equate to quality. While platforms like Facebook excel at engaging target audiences, they pale in comparison to the power of email marketing. It boasts the highest ROI among all advertising channels and continues to thrive.

According to Statista, global email marketing revenue is projected to reach $17.9 billion by 2027 (source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/812060/email-marketing-revenue-worldwide/), underscoring its immense popularity among businesses. However, amidst the influx of messages flooding inboxes daily, those that find themselves at the bottom are often overlooked.

This means that all the compelling content you meticulously create for your audience could go to waste. Hence, it is crucial to determine the ideal timing for your marketing emails. 

Sending them when your prospects or customers aren’t focused on their inbox is a surefire path to failure. Likewise, sending them at the same time as your competitors will cause your message to get lost among countless similar emails.

So, how can you determine the best day and time to send your emails? While there are no foolproof rules, there are some general guidelines to consider. However, the key lies in truly understanding your audience. Armed with this knowledge, you can make informed decisions about the optimal timing for your email blasts.

To help you kickstart your efforts, here are a few valuable tips to consider.

Mastering the Art of Timing in Email Marketing: Our Recommendations

#1: Understand Your Audience Thoroughly. Reach Out to Them When They’re Most Likely to Engage With Your Emails

As previously mentioned, the cornerstone of effective email marketing lies in a profound understanding of your recipients. While it’s impossible to know each target individually, you can develop a buyer persona or personas that encapsulate your target group.

But how do you create this? It’s simple logic, really. Take into account these factors:

  • Your business type: Is it B2C or B2B?
  • The industry or business sector your recipients operate in.
  • The typical daily routine of your audience: Do they have a conventional nine-to-five job or irregular working hours? What are their weekday and weekend routines?
  • The age group that makes up the majority of your targets.
  • The time zone and climate where your audience lives.

Document the answers to these questions to gain a clearer picture of the individuals you’re trying to reach. Based on these elements, we suggest the following optimal days and times for your email blasts.

B2B Vs B2C

People usually separate their personal emails from their work emails. Hence, emailing your B2B audience on weekends is not advisable. After all, this is a time for unwinding.

For B2B companies, send your emails on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays around 10 am–11 am. This is typically when most employees settle at their desks and begin checking their messages.

We also recommend sending emails around 1 pm–2 pm on the aforementioned days. This is when employees often peruse their emails during their lunch breaks. Additionally, consider sending emails between 6 pm and 7 pm midweek. Employees commuting home may use this time to check their emails.

However, for managers and supervisors, the best time to send a B2B email is around 10 am on Saturdays. They have more responsibilities and consequently, check their inbox often to stay updated. On Saturdays, they’re typically less occupied than during the workweek.

For the B2C audience, it’s challenging to determine the exact day and time when consumers will be inclined to open marketing emails. Therefore, you can experiment by sending your emails over the weekend, perhaps late on Saturday (around 12 am). This is when competition is at its lowest, thereby increasing your chances of grabbing your prospect’s or customer’s attention with your email.


Most marketers tend to steer clear of Fridays for email dispatches, and it’s not without reason. Think about it — do you find yourself going through emails on Fridays? If you’re anything like us, we’d wager you don’t. The rationale is simple: Friday marks the conclusion of the workweek. The allure of a relaxing Saturday and Sunday spent with loved ones or in solitude is almost palpable.

The last thing on your mind as the clock ticks closer to 5 is likely reading emails, unless… perhaps you’re planning a vibrant evening or entertaining weekend. You might be considering a concert or a fine dining experience at an upscale downtown restaurant.

At such moments, browsing for related information online, a fresh email notification might pique your interest, prompting you to check it out.

Thus, the takeaway here is that in a typical business environment, Fridays aren’t ideal for sending out newsletters. However, in sectors where individuals are likely to check their emails on this day (think entertainment, hospitality, etc.), Fridays or weekends could potentially work. It’s all about testing the waters to see what fits your scenario. 


The average age of your target demographic should also play a role in determining the optimal timing for your emails. If your audience skews younger, diverging from the norm of mid-week, mid-day emails might be beneficial. Younger audiences are often glued to their mobile devices and responsive to push notifications. Sending them an email later in the day, when competition is minimal, may not be a bad idea. 

Geography and Weather Patterns

Consumers’ behavior can vary significantly based on their geographical location and local climate. This is another factor to take into account.

Do your prospects reside in warmer regions? If so, late evenings or weekends might not be the best times for sending promotional emails or other business communications. The reason is straightforward: this is when the sun sets, providing an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and cool off.

In contrast, individuals residing in colder climates like Finland might spend more time indoors, especially on weekends. These folks could be more inclined to browse the web and take note of your message during these times.

The time zone of your audience is crucial too. Keep in mind the time difference when sending emails to someone in New York versus Paris. Neglecting this could result in your email getting lost in a sea of other messages.

#2: A Week Start Free of Emails Leads to a Positive Conclusion: Approach Mondays With Care

Friday doesn’t top the list for ideal email-sending days. However, it’s not completely off the table if you’re prepared to do some groundwork. Monday, on the other hand, is the least favorable amongst all days for email marketing. Some argue that Monday faces the least competition, implying your email might get a chance to stand out.

Let’s face it, though. The beginning of the week poses the most significant challenge for every office worker. The Sunday barbecue was delightful, but the next one is a week away. The prospect of enduring another five days at the office desk seems daunting.

What’s the common action of employees towards incoming emails on Mondays? They typically select all and hit the delete button to clear their inbox. The takeaway: steer clear of Mondays. Experimenting with them might not yield any fruitful results. Mondays are unequivocally not the optimal time for an email campaign. 

#3: Announcing a Christmas Sale or Product Launch? The Ideal Time to Dispatch an Email for an Event is Approximately a Week Prior

If you’ve got an event in the pipeline, dispatch your email a minimum of three to five days in advance. This ensures you reach recipients who may not immediately read your message (barely over 20% of all email opens occur within an hour of receipt).

#4: Harness the Power of Specialized Email Marketing Software to Gauge Your Email Performance

Conduct A/B testing to determine which days result in more opens and click-throughs.

Selecting a single specific day and time to send emails to your audience won’t suffice. While adhering to the advice in this post, choose multiple days and times and conduct A/B testing to identify which ones generate more opens or click-throughs.

To support your efforts, use one of the many email marketing automation tools available, such as SendGrid, HubSpot, MailChimp, or others. 

In Conclusion

Determining the optimal day and time to dispatch your marketing emails is no simple task. Generally, experts suggest Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 10 am–11 am, 1 pm–2 pm, and 6 pm–7 pm as the most promising times.

However, it’s essential to understand your target audience’s behaviors, daily schedules, and demographics to select the best day and time for email campaigns. It’s also beneficial to conduct A/B testing at various times and days to confirm your choice is effective.

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Mastering the Art of Blockchain: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Use Blockchain Technology https://www.wsbusinessinc.com/mastering-the-art-of-blockchain-a-comprehensive-guide-on-how-to-use-blockchain-technology/ Tue, 12 Sep 2023 13:42:44 +0000 https://www.wsbusinessinc.com/?p=216 Blockchain technology has emerged as a revolutionary force in the world of digital innovation, promising to reshape industries, enhance security, and decentralize control. This comprehensive guide aims to provide you with a deep understanding of blockchain technology, its inner workings, applications, and different types of blockchain networks. Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking to integrate blockchain …

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Blockchain technology has emerged as a revolutionary force in the world of digital innovation, promising to reshape industries, enhance security, and decentralize control. This comprehensive guide aims to provide you with a deep understanding of blockchain technology, its inner workings, applications, and different types of blockchain networks. Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking to integrate blockchain into your business model, a developer exploring new opportunities, or simply curious about this transformative technology, this guide will serve as a valuable resource on your journey.

How does Blockchain Technology Work

To truly master blockchain technology, it’s crucial to grasp its fundamental workings. At its core, a blockchain is a distributed ledger that records transactions across a network of computers. Here’s how it works:

  • Decentralization: Unlike traditional centralized systems, blockchain operates on a decentralized network. Instead of relying on a single entity (like a bank or a government), multiple nodes or computers validate and record transactions.
  • Transactions: When a user initiates a transaction, it is grouped with other pending transactions into a block. Each block contains a unique identifier, a timestamp, and a reference to the previous block, creating a chain of blocks, hence the term “blockchain.”
  • Consensus Mechanism: To ensure the integrity of transactions and prevent fraud, blockchain networks use consensus mechanisms. The most well-known one is Proof of Work (PoW), where nodes solve complex mathematical puzzles to validate transactions. More recently, Proof of Stake (PoS) and other consensus mechanisms have gained popularity due to their energy efficiency and scalability.
  • Immutable Ledger: Once a block is added to the blockchain, it becomes immutable. This means that the data recorded in it cannot be altered or deleted. This immutability is a cornerstone of blockchain’s security.
  • Transparency: The blockchain ledger is transparent, allowing anyone to view the entire transaction history. However, the identities of participants are pseudonymous, represented by cryptographic addresses.

Applications for Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology has evolved far beyond its initial use case as the underlying technology for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. It has found applications in various industries, including:

  • Financial Services: Blockchain has the potential to revolutionize the financial sector by enabling faster, more secure, and cost-effective cross-border payments, smart contracts, and even decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms.
  • Supply Chain Management: By creating transparent and tamper-proof supply chain records, blockchain can enhance traceability and reduce fraud in supply chains, improving product quality and authenticity.
  • Healthcare: Blockchain can securely store and share patient data, ensuring privacy and accuracy in medical records. It can also streamline pharmaceutical supply chains and clinical trials.
  • Real Estate: Property transactions often involve numerous intermediaries and paperwork. Blockchain simplifies the process, reducing fraud and costs while increasing efficiency.
  • Voting Systems: Blockchain-based voting systems can enhance electoral transparency and security, reducing the risk of election fraud.
  • Intellectual Property: Blockchain can be used to protect intellectual property rights, providing a timestamped, immutable record of creations such as patents, copyrights, and trademarks.
  • Identity Verification: Individuals can have more control over their digital identities, reducing the risk of identity theft and simplifying authentication processes.

Blockchain Consulting

For businesses and organizations interested in harnessing the power of blockchain, blockchain consulting services are invaluable. These experts can guide you through the complex process of adopting blockchain technology. Blockchain consulting encompasses:

  • Strategy Development: Blockchain consultants assist in formulating a tailored blockchain strategy that aligns with your business objectives. They identify the most suitable use cases and advise on the selection of the right blockchain platform.
  • Implementation: Consultants can oversee the implementation process, ensuring that the chosen blockchain solutions integrate seamlessly with your existing systems and meet your performance and security requirements.
  • Security Assessment: Security is paramount in blockchain technology. Consultants perform thorough security assessments to identify vulnerabilities and recommend robust security measures.
  • Training and Education: Blockchain consultants offer training programs to equip your team with the necessary skills and knowledge to work with blockchain technology effectively.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Staying compliant with evolving regulations is essential. Blockchain consultants keep you informed about legal requirements and help you navigate the regulatory landscape.

Types of Blockchain Networks

Blockchain networks come in various types, each with its unique characteristics and use cases:

  • Public Blockchains: These are open to anyone and are maintained by a decentralized network of nodes. Examples include Bitcoin and Ethereum. Public blockchains are often used for cryptocurrencies and open applications.
  • Private Blockchains: Private blockchains are restricted to a specific group of participants, making them ideal for businesses and organizations that require control over who can access the network. They are often used for supply chain management, enterprise solutions, and consortiums.
  • Consortium Blockchains: Consortium blockchains are semi-private networks where a group of organizations jointly manages the blockchain. They strike a balance between decentralization and control and are common in industries where multiple stakeholders collaborate.
  • Hybrid Blockchains: Hybrid blockchains combine elements of public and private blockchains, allowing for greater flexibility and customization. They are suitable for applications that require both public and private access.

In Conclusion

Mastering blockchain technology involves understanding its core principles, exploring its diverse applications, and choosing the right type of blockchain network for your needs. Whether you’re considering implementing blockchain in your business or simply seeking a deeper understanding of this transformative technology, remember that blockchain consulting services can provide expert guidance on your journey. As blockchain continues to evolve, staying informed and adaptable will be key to harnessing its full potential in the ever-changing landscape of the digital age.

The post Mastering the Art of Blockchain: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Use Blockchain Technology appeared first on W&Sin.

Maximizing ROI with Call Tracking: How Marketing Campaigns Can Benefit from Analyzing Phone Leads https://www.wsbusinessinc.com/maximizing-roi-with-call-tracking-how-marketing-campaigns-can-benefit-from-analyzing-phone-leads/ Fri, 04 Aug 2023 14:25:22 +0000 https://www.wsbusinessinc.com/?p=208 Businesses’ main goal when it comes to digital advertising is to optimize Return on Investment. It is my duty as a digital marketing professional to help my customers do this by increasing their return on investment (ROI) while lowering their marketing expenses. An essential tool that may considerably help in achieving this goal is call …

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Businesses’ main goal when it comes to digital advertising is to optimize Return on Investment. It is my duty as a digital marketing professional to help my customers do this by increasing their return on investment (ROI) while lowering their marketing expenses. An essential tool that may considerably help in achieving this goal is call monitoring and lead analysis. This post will look at how call monitoring may provide companies insightful data, enhancing marketing efforts and increasing ROI.

 Detailed Insights into Customers’ Behavior

Call monitoring allows businesses to obtain extensive insight into the purchasing behavior of their customers. Businesses can now acquire a deeper understanding of their customers’ preferences, pain points, and purchasing patterns by monitoring caller demographics, geographical location, and call source. Armed with this knowledge, marketing efforts can be refined, conversion rates can be increased, and customer service can be enhanced to better meet the requirements of consumers.

 Improving the Quality of Leads

 Utilizing call tracking makes it easier to monitor the caliber of leads. Businesses may determine the severity and amount of interest of prospective leads by monitoring call duration, call frequency, and even the language used by the callers. The targeting of advertisements and the distribution of marketing funds are made possible by this information. Businesses may also pinpoint the parts of their marketing plans that are producing high-quality leads and improve those areas for even greater outcomes.

 Improving Campaign ROI

 Businesses may increase the ROI of their marketing campaigns by making better budget allocation choices when they have access to call monitoring data. Businesses may determine which marketing initiatives are leading to the most calls and which are producing low-quality leads by tracking call data. Armed with this information, businesses may use analytics to drive choices such as stopping or improving failing advertising and increasing funding for the tactics that are leading to the most calls. Optimised marketing campaigns may result in an overall rise in campaign ROI via successful budget reallocation and increasing conversion rates.

Improving Customer Experience

Call monitoring helps companies, but it also improves the consumer experience. Businesses may better meet the needs and expectations of their audience by having access to detailed information on callers. Businesses may dramatically boost customer happiness, loyalty, and favorable word-of-mouth by customizing their solutions to each client’s demands. Recurring business from happy clients increases the likelihood that revenue will grow steadily over time.

 Optimizing Marketing Strategies

 A game-changer in improving a company’s whole marketing plan is phone lead analysis. The information gathered from call monitoring may be used to improve website designs, content production, and targeted advertising campaigns. As a consequence, companies may improve segmentation, target audiences more precisely, and create messages that have more impact, thus boosting the general effectiveness of marketing initiatives.

Analyzing Phone Leads

 In conclusion, call tracking is an essential tool that should be employed in digital marketing campaigns in order to optimize return on investment. This may be accomplished by monitoring the calls that customers make to a business. When companies do phone lead analysis, they have the chance to improve their entire marketing strategy, raise the quality of their leads, improve the return on investment of their marketing campaigns, improve the customer experience, and elevate the level of service they provide. When businesses engage in call monitoring, they have the opportunity to improve their bottom line in a variety of ways, including the potential to save money, boost the amount of leads they create, and produce sales that are of a higher quality.

 To improve your marketing efforts, it is strongly advised that you take advantage of the chance to use the call monitoring services offered by call-tracking.org. Accept this innovative technology, and watch as it has the power to alter your company from the ground up. Regardless of the size of the firm, call monitoring is a hidden tool that has the ability to improve the efficacy of marketing initiatives. This is true for both huge firms attempting to preserve a competitive edge and small businesses looking to increase their market presence.

 If you want to get started right away on the road to data-driven marketing greatness, call-tracking.org is the website you should go to right now. Embrace the power of call monitoring to open up a world of opportunities for the expansion and profitability of your company within the always evolving digital market. Your marketing efforts will fly to heights that have never been attained before when you have call-tracking.org on your side. This will have a major and long-lasting influence on your bottom line, which will secure a bright future for your company.

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Effective Marketing Strategy: Unlocking Success in the Digital Age https://www.wsbusinessinc.com/effective-marketing-strategy-unlocking-success-in-the-digital-age/ Wed, 02 Aug 2023 09:43:40 +0000 https://www.wsbusinessinc.com/?p=205 In the fast-paced realm of modern business, a well-crafted marketing strategy is the cornerstone of a company’s success and sets it apart from competitors. The digital world’s ever-expanding landscape has revolutionized marketing, demanding a seamless fusion of creativity, data analysis, and customer-centricity. Understanding the Evolving Market Landscape In today’s cutthroat business environment, comprehending the market …

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In the fast-paced realm of modern business, a well-crafted marketing strategy is the cornerstone of a company’s success and sets it apart from competitors. The digital world’s ever-expanding landscape has revolutionized marketing, demanding a seamless fusion of creativity, data analysis, and customer-centricity.

Understanding the Evolving Market Landscape

In today’s cutthroat business environment, comprehending the market landscape is paramount for any company’s triumph. Mastering this art involves strategic steps to reach and captivate the target audience while staying ahead of rivals. Let’s explore the vital components of comprehending the market landscape and how they contribute to a triumphant marketing strategy.

Precisely Identifying the Target Audience:

The initial stride is pinpointing the precise group of individuals or businesses your products or services are meant to serve. By grasping their demographics, interests, pain points, and behaviors, marketing efforts can be tailored with laser-like precision.

Gaining Insight from Competitors:

Analyzing the competition is a goldmine for understanding what works and what falls short in the market. Armed with this knowledge, you can uniquely position your brand and offerings to stand out.

Conducting Exhaustive Market Research:

Thorough market research is the compass guiding your understanding of current trends, consumer preferences, and potential opportunities. By collecting and analyzing data from diverse sources, informed decisions are made.

Defining Clear and Measurable Goals:

Establishing clear and measurable marketing goals acts as the North Star, keeping efforts focused and on course. Remember, the goals must be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Harmonizing Goals with Business Mission:

Align your marketing goals with the overall business mission and vision, creating a seamless brand identity that fosters customer trust.

Crafting Compelling Content:

Content reigns supreme in engaging and connecting with the audience. Utilize storytelling techniques to stir emotions and leverage visual and interactive content for maximum impact.

Leveraging the Power of Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

Master the art of SEO to boost the visibility of your content and website in search engine results. This involves meticulous keyword research and integration, as well as on-page and off-page SEO strategies.

Harnessing the Dynamic Potential of Social Media:

Social media platforms provide an expansive playground to engage with a wider audience. Choose the most suitable platforms, curate engaging content, and leverage influencer marketing for amplified reach.

Embracing Data Analytics:

Data analytics serve as the compass guiding your marketing voyage. Track and measure various metrics to steer your decisions based on data-driven insights.

Adopting a Multi-Channel Approach:

Diversifying marketing efforts across multiple channels ensures a wider reach and consistent brand presence. Cohesive branding across all channels solidifies brand identity.

Personalization and Enhancing Customer Experience:

Understanding customer preferences unlocks the potential for personalized offerings and communications. Prioritize delivering exceptional customer experiences to foster loyalty and advocacy.

Forging Strategic Partnerships:

Collaborate with complementary brands and explore co-marketing initiatives to expand your audience reach and enhance brand credibility.

Innovating with Cutting-Edge Technologies:

Stay ahead of the curve in the dynamic marketing landscape by embracing emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and virtual reality experiences.

Tracking and Adapting to Trends:

Monitor industry trends and consumer behavior to adapt marketing strategies accordingly. Agility in marketing campaigns is the key to staying relevant and competitive.

Measuring Return on Investment (ROI):

Evaluate the success of marketing efforts through ROI metrics and analysis. Allocate resources to campaigns that yield the best results.

Continuously Optimizing Campaigns:

Regularly optimize marketing campaigns based on performance data and feedback. This iterative approach ensures continuous improvement and better outcomes.

Upholding Ethical Marketing Practices

In the ever-evolving marketing landscape, ethical practices are the bedrock of trust and credibility with the audience. Here are key aspects to focus on for ensuring ethical marketing:

Transparency and Authenticity:

Infuse transparency and authenticity into your marketing efforts, providing accurate and honest information about your products or services. Avoid deceptive tactics that may mislead customers and forge genuine connections with your audience.

Adhering to Privacy Regulations:

Respect user privacy and comply with data protection regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Obtain explicit consent before collecting and using personal data.

Overcoming Challenges in Marketing

The marketing landscape presents its own set of challenges, but successfully navigating these hurdles leads to more effective campaigns and better results. Here are some key challenges and how to overcome them:

Navigating Budget Constraints:

Limited budgets can pose challenges in executing robust marketing strategies. To overcome this, prioritize initiatives that align with your goals and target audience. Focus on cost-effective digital marketing channels and explore collaborations or partnerships to reach a broader audience without significant expenses.

Handling Negative Feedback:

Negative feedback is inevitable, but it can be an opportunity for improvement. Respond to negative feedback promptly and professionally. Address concerns, offer solutions, and demonstrate genuine willingness to resolve issues. Turning dissatisfied customers into satisfied ones can lead to increased loyalty and positive word-of-mouth.

By upholding ethical marketing practices, being transparent and authentic, and addressing challenges proactively, businesses can build stronger relationships with their customers and create sustainable success in the dynamic world of marketing.

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10 Top Marketing Trends for 2023 You Need to Know https://www.wsbusinessinc.com/10-top-marketing-trends-for-2023-you-need-to-know/ Fri, 30 Dec 2022 16:15:00 +0000 https://www.wsbusinessinc.com/?p=138 Choosing the marketing campaign that works best for your business can be overwhelming. Here are the best marketing strategies for 2023 that are more popular than your old-school strategies: Media marketing Social media marketing isn’t going anywhere in 2023. Marketers can use the growing number of social media users to promote their brands. Business statistics …

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Choosing the marketing campaign that works best for your business can be overwhelming. Here are the best marketing strategies for 2023 that are more popular than your old-school strategies:

Media marketing

Social media marketing isn’t going anywhere in 2023. Marketers can use the growing number of social media users to promote their brands. Business statistics already show that 80% of consumers resort to posting on social media before buying products, using discount campaigns and accessing other websites.

This means you can increase your sales, engagement and website traffic using social media channels. TikTok, one of the fastest-growing social networks with 1 billion monthly active users, is a top choice for marketers looking to increase their audience and campaign engagement in 2023.

Its laser-focused algorithms help companies effectively reach their target audience in the shortest possible time. The key is using standard length videos, the right hashtags, popular audio, camera filters and other TikTok tricks. Another marketing hotspot to consider is Instagram.

There’s no question here. 83% of consumers trust Instagram so much that they visit IG accounts to find and buy products and services. You can even post your ads on Instagram and distribute them to your target market.

It’s not a difficult task given that 87% of IG users reported that they follow brands, click on links to websites and make purchases after seeing IG ads.

Influencer marketing

Although influencer marketing is new to the industry, it is now worth $16 billion, more than $2 billion more than its value in 2021. And we’re already seeing it boom in 2023.

That’s because influencers and their followers are helping companies build brand awareness, increase lead conversion and build a pool of loyal customers.

Wondering how such neo-marketing tactics became so popular?

Well, the success of influencer marketing in recent years can be directly attributed to the increased use of social media. In 2021, brands were leaning more toward Instagram and TikTok influencers to increase engagement and sales. 97% of marketers believe Instagram is the most reliable platform for influencer marketing. Influencer Marketing Hub reported that from 2015 to 2017, the number of posts sponsored by brands on Instagram was 2.68 million and is expected to grow to 6.12 million by 2023.

On the other hand, TikTok’s growth in users and influencers has also made it one of the most attractive platforms online today.

According to the latest data, TikTok now has more than 1 billion monthly active users. That’s a big potential market to consider.

You may be wondering, why not just click on the influencers from Facebook, Twitter, Twitch and other social media sites? You see, these other social media sites may have more users per month, but none of them are as engaged and active as IG and TikTok. And as marketers, you know how important it is to engage your target market in your campaign.

If you want to integrate an influencer marketing strategy in 2023, focus on the right social media sites and the ideal opinion leader.

Video Content Marketing

Video marketing has been a popular strategy since 2010, and the usage statistics continue to grow. And about 99% of marketers who use video content plan to use it more in the future.

It’s no longer surprising that such a huge percentage of marketers and companies are switching to video advertising. With platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, Vimeo and YouTube dominating the Internet, it’s smart to use short videos to promote your brand. Even more remarkably, 66% of consumers would rather watch a short video about products and services than long articles and posts. This just means that videos that meet the standards of the above platforms get more attention than just articles, print publications and other forms of marketing.

Video content can better explain what your brand or product is all about, in an engaging way that’s what consumers need and want.

If you apply this video marketing trend to 2023, your customers will be able to retain and digest 95% of your content message, which will help them make a decision to buy your products and services.

Content Marketing

If you’re not interested in publishing blogs and white papers, sending out regular newsletters, publishing press releases and other digital content marketing strategies, it’s time to shift your focus in 2023. Digital media trends have gained momentum over the years, making it easy to spread the word about a brand. This makes it easier to share information and promotional content about your brand so your target audience can easily access them through their phones.

In 2022, video content is the top content marketing strategy for marketers, followed by blogs, articles and infographics. These are the primary media your target market interacts with before they decide to buy anything. If your content is informative, transparent and engaging, it can convince your audience and turn them into buyers.

Marketing with QR Codes

QR codes weren’t originally intended for marketing purposes, but thanks to new smart uses of the QR code generator and software, marketers have found a haven in this digital tool. Many consider these 2D barcodes a versatile marketing tool that can help marketers develop compelling digital marketing tactics.

You can encrypt a huge amount of information into a QR code, and it’s available in just one smartphone scan. QR codes can store up to 4,296 alphanumeric characters, 7,089 numeric characters and 1,817 kanji characters. You can paste website URLs, text, numbers and even files into the code. And this data is easily accessible with just your phone.

Marketers can use QR codes to enhance their social media, content, SEO, video and other marketing strategies. Why? Because QR codes are an interactive tool that can increase conversions and traction. In 2021, Statista recorded 75.8 million QR code scanners in the United States alone. That number is expected to reach 99.5 million by 2025, as U.S. QR code scanners will continue to use the code for various marketing campaigns in the future. But keep in mind, this is only in the United States.

QR code use in the country is mostly focused on QR code-based payment, rail ticket transactions, and other services provided by the consumer to the merchant.

Other Asian (mostly China and Japan) and European countries have also implemented QR code technology in the corporate sphere. Today, marketers use QR codes for restaurant menus, website content, social media accounts, digital business cards, online and offline documents and more.

Local search optimization

Local search optimizationThis year, 2023, learn how to say yes to a local SEO strategy for your website. You can easily rank your website in your target area with localized website content. And this strategy is proven to be effective.

In 2022 alone, 78% of consumers searched online for companies near them at least once a week. Additionally, 97% of Internet users search for local businesses to find products and services nearby.

Optimizing your business website for local search will simply help you become one of the top search engine results in your target market.

To start using this marketing technique, you can requestGoogle My Business page so people can easily find your physical stores when they search for products and services in your area through Google.

Make sure you provide accurate information about your business, use the right keyword (including the location of your business) and gather as many customer reviews and reviews as possible.

Voice search optimization

Voice search optimizationAnother SEO strategy worth looking at in 2023 is voice search optimization, and here’s why.
By 2022, more than 66 million U.S. households are projected to have smart speakers in their homes. And because of convenience, 71% of Internet users prefer voice search to typing in keywords. You can easily find what you’re looking for even when your hands are busy, like driving or cooking dinner.

What’s more, voice search allows users to be more conversational in their queries, creating a huge difference from regular long-tail keyword searches, which often seem robotic. Optimizing your website for voice search ranks your page faster.

This is because search engines (like Google) give priority to websites that offer useful content. The more accurate your target keyword information is, the better your chances of ranking. It’s a win-win for you and your target audience. You can boost your website’s rankings, and your audience can get quality and accurate answers to their questions.

AI-based marketing strategies

Indeed, the marketing industry went far beyond print media campaigns when AI marketing came into the spotlight. This cutting-edge strategy became popular in early 2010, helping companies and marketers optimize their work. AI marketing automates advertising strategies such as data analysis, search engine optimization, retargeting, customer support and creating marketing campaigns.

You can use the following artificial intelligence technologies for your marketing campaigns:

  • Search engine optimization tools
  • Chatbots to help customers
  • Content creation and validation
  • Digital marketing automation software
  • Ad targeting
  • Lead retargeting
  • Dynamic pricing

Thanks to artificial intelligence technology, marketers will have effective partners to help gather real-time analytical data about their campaigns. This new marketing trend also helps to target the right market, understand their needs and requirements, and decide which campaign is more effective for a particular demographic, season and location.

Using infographics and images

Visually appealing infographics can quickly grab your audience’s attention in a sea of text ads. 65% of B2B marketers primarily use infographics for their content marketing initiatives, and 84% of them find this strategy effective. You can do your best in your blogs, social media posts and white papers to provide extensive information about your brand. But strategically created infographics can also do the job.

You can quickly increase traffic to your site by 12% by integrating images and infographics.

How: It’s simple.

There are high domain authority (DA) websites that accept guest posts from you and allow you to use infographics. Or they can use your photos in their articles instead of external links. This backlinking helps you boost your website’s DA, allowing you to increase your online authority. What’s more, quality infographics will also help you gain market credibility.

Seeing your memorable and informative images may encourage them to share them on their social media and networks.

Podcast marketing

A broadcast that you can play on demand is a podcast for you. And yes, this is one marketing trend of 2023 that you should consider. This fast-growing industry has already attracted 63% of consumers and listeners in the U.S., making podcast platforms ideal for promoting your brand. And about three out of every four podcast listeners in the U.S. use podcasts to learn about new things.

Marketers can leverage this by curating podcast content that informs their target listeners about their products and services. Indeed, using a podcast marketing strategy allows companies to increase their brand awareness and recognition.

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7 Best Marketing Metrics https://www.wsbusinessinc.com/7-best-marketing-metrics/ Mon, 12 Jul 2021 19:06:00 +0000 https://www.wsbusinessinc.com/?p=135 If you don’t know where to start, here are some key metrics to track. These are key metrics that will help you assess how people are responding to your brand, whether they are engaged, and how your spending and revenues compare. Lead Generation This can include metrics such as cost per lead (CPL), click-through rate …

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If you don’t know where to start, here are some key metrics to track. These are key metrics that will help you assess how people are responding to your brand, whether they are engaged, and how your spending and revenues compare.

  • Lead Generation.
  • Conversion rate.
  • Retention
  • Attraction
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
  • Return On Ad Spend (ROAS)
  • Return on Investment (ROI)

Lead Generation

This can include metrics such as cost per lead (CPL), click-through rate (CTR), qualified leads for sales (SQL) and qualified leads for marketing (MQL).

Leads are users who could potentially become customers/buyers, so it’s pretty important to measure the volume of these generated leads.

Leads can be generated in many ways, including contact forms, landing pages, email campaigns, blog CTAs, online events and seminars, and more.

If you’re getting a large number of leads, it means your strategy is working and your customers are seeing the value of what you’re offering.

Conversion Rate

Conversion is when a user takes the action you want them to take, whether it’s making a sale, joining your email list, sharing your social media article, or simply filling out a survey.

To determine your conversion rate, you simply divide the number of conversions by the number of visitors.

The type of conversions you’ll track depends on your goal, but either way, conversion tracking will let you know what successfully drives your potential customers to action and increases your chances of converting them into customers.


Generating interest in your brand is great, but it’s also important to remember your existing customers.

Retaining customers means keeping them in mind throughout the customer journey and building brand loyalty by responding to blog comments, offering them discount codes, asking their opinion through surveys/quizzes, accepting guest materials, and so on.

To track retention, you can track lifetime customer value (CLV), churn rates, revenue growth, and net promoter score (NPS).

Look at loyal visitors to see what they like and interact with, and then incorporate that into your marketing campaigns.


Customer engagement metrics tell you how and whether people are interacting with your brand, whether it’s on social media, search engines, email or your website.

This is a critical metric that will tell you a lot not only about your audience, but also which of your marketing activities are working and which are not.

The specific engagement metrics you decide to track will depend on your overall goals, but they can include everything from overall social media activity (shares, likes and followers) to CTR, time on page, follower list growth rate, sessions and so on.

The best way to determine if you’re succeeding in this area is to look at engagement as a percentage of your audience. To do this, take the total number of engagements and divide by the number of impressions or reach. A high rate means that people are finding your content interesting.

Your engagement report should also include different networks so you can see which platforms are performing best.

Cost of Customer Acquisition (CAC)

The cost of customer acquisition is how much money you spend to attract a new customer; a user who purchases your product or service. It’s important to keep track of this so you know how much it costs your company to attract each new customer and how profitable your current strategies are.

CAC refers to the resources and cost of acquiring a new customer and helps measure the return on investment in your efforts to expand your customer base.

To calculate this metric, add up all the costs associated with converting leads to customers and divide by the number of customers acquired.

You may also want to track how long it takes your business to recoup the CAC spent on attracting a new customer. To do this, take the cost of attracting a customer and divide it by the margin-adjusted revenue per month for the average new customer.

Return On Advertising Spent (ROAS)

ROAS is the amount of revenue generated for every dollar spent on advertising. If you want to know how effective your digital advertising campaigns are, this is the best metric to look at.

To calculate this metric, divide the revenue generated from an ad campaign by the cost of the campaign.

Monitor this to determine how effectively your ads are generating clicks, impressions, and revenue.

For example, you invest $100 in an ad campaign and generate $200 in revenue. Dividing $200 by $100 gives you a 2:1 ratio (200%).

This ratio is the average ROAS for a Google Ads campaign ($2 earned for every $1 spent), but can be as high as $8 for every $1 spent.

Return on Investment (ROI)

Your ROI is the ratio between your net income and your investment and is used to determine the effectiveness of your investment.

If your ROI is low, it means your business is losing money somewhere, and you need to find out why and adjust your strategies to keep your business profitable.

To calculate ROI, you need to constantly monitor the ratio of conversions to investment costs. If you want to see the exact formula, you can look up how to calculate your ROI here.

You can also look at the CLV to CAC ratio. If you notice that your acquisition cost is low and your lifetime value is high, that’s a very good indicator that things are working!

Customer lifetime value is how much a customer earns on average over a certain period of time, and customer acquisition is how much you need to spend to attract a new customer.

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Marketing Metrics: What They Are and How to Track Them https://www.wsbusinessinc.com/marketing-metrics-what-they-are-and-how-to-track-them/ Thu, 09 Apr 2020 21:00:00 +0000 https://www.wsbusinessinc.com/?p=132 How do you track your marketing efforts? Are your campaigns working? Let’s learn more about marketing metrics and how to track them… Marketing is how a business announces itself. You can have the most amazing product in the world, but if no one knows about it, your business won’t get customers. That’s why investing in …

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How do you track your marketing efforts? Are your campaigns working? Let’s learn more about marketing metrics and how to track them…

Marketing is how a business announces itself. You can have the most amazing product in the world, but if no one knows about it, your business won’t get customers. That’s why investing in marketing is so important.

By sending messages to your target audience, you can encourage them to learn about your product and take action that will make your business thrive.

But how do you know if your marketing efforts are paying off? That’s where marketing metrics come to the rescue!

Marketing metrics are pieces of data that help you track the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

They are a quantitative way to measure the effectiveness of your marketing team’s efforts to induce your audience to take the desired action, allow you to accurately track the return on your marketing investment, and tell you how well your campaigns are meeting your key performance indicators (KPIs).

By analyzing this data, you can adjust your strategies until you hit the mark.

These metrics can be measured with tools like Google Analytics. Let’s take a look at some examples.

What are some Examples of Marketing Metrics?

The metrics you can track are almost endless, and what you choose will depend entirely on your unique business goals and marketing KPIs.

Once you know what your goals are, you can choose the metrics to track and put together a marketing dashboard where you can easily view all of your chosen metrics in one place.

Below are examples of metrics you may want to include:

  • Email Marketing – Open rate, bounce rate (hard and soft bounce), click-through rate (CTR), bounce rate, new subscribers, engagement/unengaged subscribers rate
  • Digital Marketing – CTR, cost per action (CPA), cost per click (CPC), impressions, engagement, sales
  • Social Media Marketing – Growth rate of followers, number of followers, impressions and reach, level of engagement
  • Content Marketing – blog traffic, shares, content downloads, qualified leads through filling out lead forms
  • Web Site – total traffic, bounce rate, page views, unique page views, time spent on site, average time on page, traffic sources, conversions, retention rate, pages/sessions
  • Video And Streaming Ads – impressions and total viewing time

How to Set Up Key Marketing Metrics

You may read other articles that say you should track x, y and z, but the truth is that choosing metrics is something very personal to your business and marketing goals.

For example, if your goal is to increase brand awareness, you’ll want to track impressions, page views, shares, likes, and so on.

If your goal is to increase sales, you’re much more interested in click-through rates, lead generation and conversions. Just because someone liked your post doesn’t mean much in this case!

First you need to define your goals, plan your strategy (how you’re going to achieve each goal), and then choose metrics that are directly related to your desired outcome.

We know that data can be exciting, and it’s often tempting to track everything, but it’s better to focus on a few and see success than to track everything and lose time and money.

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6 Actual Methods of Competitive Analysis https://www.wsbusinessinc.com/6-actual-methods-of-competitive-analysis/ Wed, 28 Aug 2019 17:49:00 +0000 https://www.wsbusinessinc.com/?p=129 Let’s take a brief look at the main approaches used by marketers to analyze competitors: SWOT analysis The SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis assesses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and prospects of a business. This will help cull the information gathered during the competitor analysis and determine the next steps for your own business. …

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Let’s take a brief look at the main approaches used by marketers to analyze competitors:

SWOT analysis

The SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis assesses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and prospects of a business. This will help cull the information gathered during the competitor analysis and determine the next steps for your own business.

Each SWOT analysis will include the following four categories. Items may be added depending on the area of the business. A SWOT analysis would not be complete without each of these elements:

  • Strengths. Strengths describe what the organization excels at and what sets it apart from its competitors: a strong brand, a loyal customer base, unique technology, and so on.
  • Weaknesses. Weaknesses prevent the organization from being successful. These are areas in which the business must reorganize in order to remain competitive. These could be, for example, a weak brand, lack of quality service, high prices.
  • Opportunities. Opportunities refer to favorable external factors that can give the organization a competitive advantage.
  • Threats. Threats refer to factors that can harm the organization. For example: rising costs of materials, increased competition, labor shortages.

Ask the following questions: what strengths and weaknesses are repeated in competitors’ branding, marketing, and products? What opportunities do you see for the business to benefit? What actions of competitors might pose a threat?

SNW analysis

SNW analysis is similar to SWOT but has more comparison criteria. This method is chosen for a more detailed study. Here, not only the weaknesses and strengths of the business are taken into account, but also the neutrals. The purpose of this analysis is to study the business from the inside out to determine what new features or options are not yet being tapped by competitors. Once researched, you can add them to your business and use them as an advantage.

The 4P (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) is an approach that is based on four main “points” of marketing planning:

  • Product (or service);
  • Price;
  • promotion;
  • Place (distribution, distribution channels, store location, etc.).

These are mandatory planning elements when bringing a product to market. As you do your research, ask yourself the following questions for each item:

  • The product or service. What do they sell? What features or options are included in their product or service? What appeals most to customers about the product or service? What are the weaknesses of the product or service? What customer problems do competitors’ products solve?
  • Price. What pricing model do they use? Is it a one-time purchase or is the customer in constant need of the product (service)? How much does the product or service cost? Do they offer sales or discounts? Is the price commensurate with quality? How do customers perceive the quality of the product or service? Is there a loyalty program for customers?
  • Promotion. How do competitors talk about their product or service? What advertising channels do they use? What features of the product or service do they emphasize? What is unique about the selling proposition? What is their company’s history? How do they position their brand? Does the company use advertising slogans? Does the company run promotional campaigns? Do companies collaborate with other brands to promote each other?
  • Location. Where do competitors sell their product? Do competitors have offline stores? Do they sell directly to customers or collaborate with retailers or third-party marketplaces? Is the competitor’s product present on marketplaces or bulletin boards?

These questions are just a starting point from which to start analyzing competitors. Don’t be afraid to expand your list and tailor your questions to your area and your research goals.

PEST analysis

PEST-analysis (Political, economic, social, technological) is a marketing approach, which is necessary for finding the political, economic, social and technological aspects of the external environment which influence the company business. By conducting a PEST analysis, you can find out how competitors will react to any external changes. Will they see these changes as an opportunity to scale the market or will they see them as a threat? This will provide insight into how competitors are acting.

Suppose there is a social change and your competitors can’t handle it. Then it is worth developing your own strategy to help the business in the new environment.

Porter’s Method (Porter’s Five Forces Analysis)

Porter’s Five Forces is a model that identifies and analyzes the five competitive forces that shape each industry. It also helps to identify the weaknesses and strengths of a business. This model can be applied to any segment to understand the level of competition in an industry and improve a company’s long-term profitability. The Five Forces Model is named after Harvard Business School professor Michael E. Porter.

The following items should be considered for analysis:

  • Competition in the industry (number of entrants in the market, market potential).
  • Potential of new entrants in the industry (risks associated with new similar businesses).
  • Strength of suppliers (number, prospects, amount of resources).
  • Influence of customers (customer needs, demand forecasting).
  • Threat of substitute products (consideration of the likelihood of new products to replace yours).

SPACE analysis

SPACE-analysis (Strategic position and action estimation) is a method that helps to evaluate the financial perspectives and strategies of a company. The SPACE-analysis examines 4 groups of factors. Each of them is evaluated from 0 to 6. After that, the average value of factors in each group should be calculated. The data obtained is transferred to the coordinate axes, which results in a quadrangle, which can be analyzed.

The whole process of analysis can be done in the following steps:

  • Define the evaluation criteria (4 main factors), such as competitiveness, financial stability, etc.
  • Evaluate each factor in groups, scoring from 0 to 6.
  • Calculate the average values in each group of factors.
  • Make a graphical representation of the results (SPACE-matrix).

Analysis of the obtained results according to the obtained matrix. The options may be as follows: aggressive state, competitive status, conservative state, defensive state. The state should be determined by the quarter in which the straight line is most distant from the center of the figure. Determination of the marketing and development strategy according to the state of the company.

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How and why to Conduct a Competitive Analysis? https://www.wsbusinessinc.com/how-and-why-to-conduct-a-competitive-analysis/ Sat, 13 Oct 2018 05:40:00 +0000 https://www.wsbusinessinc.com/?p=126 In this article we will consider why and how to conduct a competitive analysis, what tools can be used and what you need to pay attention to when researching. The guide is relevant for marketers and for managers of small and medium-sized businesses. Competitor analysis in marketing Competitor analysis (Competitor analysis) is a study of …

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In this article we will consider why and how to conduct a competitive analysis, what tools can be used and what you need to pay attention to when researching. The guide is relevant for marketers and for managers of small and medium-sized businesses.

Competitor analysis in marketing

Competitor analysis (Competitor analysis) is a study of competitor companies, their products (services), sales and marketing systems, pricing approaches. The information collected can be used to determine the strengths and weaknesses of competitors, development and adjustment of own development strategy.

Competitor research is an important part of own marketing strategy development. Having conducted the analysis, you will be able to build or adjust plans to conduct or develop your business. These actions can be considered as a reactive (quick-response) approach to market changes.

Approaches to competitor analysis may vary depending on the objectives of the analysis.

What opportunities and information competitor analysis provides:

  • Understanding the standards, current industry trends that allow businesses, products and services to meet the expectations of potential customers and even outperform competitors.
  • Discovering new niche areas, developing and scaling your business.
  • Understanding the target audience and their needs.
  • Using effective tools to attract potential and retain loyal customers.
  • Possibility to form the best or unique offer on the market.
  • Definition of strengths and weaknesses of the business.
  • Evaluating the risks of doing business.

Why conduct a competitor analysis? Set goals

  • Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the business. By studying how your competitors are perceived, you can draw conclusions about the strengths and weaknesses of your own brand. Knowing your strengths can affect the positioning of your product or service in the marketplace. Communicate to potential customers why your product or service is the best choice available.
  • Knowing your weaknesses is also important for development. Understanding where you or your competitors fall short in meeting customer expectations can help points of growth. Study your competitors to see what they are doing right, and see what you can apply to your business.
  • Opportunities to close unmet customer needs. Find out what your competitors’ customers are missing and offer them that product or service. This can be new products as well as related services, such as delivery terms, and loyalty programs.
  • Track industry trends. Studying your competitors will help you see what direction the industry as a whole is moving in. However, you shouldn’t blindly repeat every move your competitor makes. Copying without considering your real place in the market and tracking your results will not lead to success. Assess the needs of your own customers and how you can create value for them.
  • Set benchmarks for future growth. When conducting a competitive analysis, consider companies, regardless of their size or experience in the marketplace. Studying industry leaders will help you plan your growth strategy, and analyzing newcomers will help you find fresh ideas.
  • Useful knowledge for doing business. Competitor analysis will help you expand your knowledge and competencies and gradually become an expert that customers will trust.
  • Creating a unique selling proposition. By analyzing and comparing yourself with other market players you will be able to understand what makes your products and services unique. For example, the competitive advantage of a new fashion retailer may be the high quality products at low prices and fast worldwide delivery. A really working unique selling proposition will make your products and services unforgettable for customers.
  • Optimize your advertising campaigns and marketing budget. By understanding how your competitors attract customers, testing and optimizing advertising channels you can noticeably optimize your advertising budgets and focus on the most effective tools.

When should you analyze your competitors?

As we wrote in the beginning of this article, competitive analysis is necessary at any stage of your business. Periodical updating of the research or carrying it out from the scratch will help to find new tendencies on the market and to keep competitive advantages in the segment of the market you are interested in. Certainly, it is worth conducting a detailed analysis of competitors when planning strategic changes in the company.

It is desirable to conduct research at least once a year.

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